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Revive Your Home With a Makeover: Tips for Enhancing Your Property

If you're feeling bored with your home's current look or the interior design is outdated, it's time to consider a makeover. Giving your home a facelift doesn't have to be a complicated task if you have a plan to follow. The key is to choose improvements that will enhance your property's value and make it a more comfortable, functional space that reflects your personal style. In this article, Kevin Szabo Jr. Plumbing & Sewer Services shares some tips on how to revive your home with a makeover.

Remodel Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your home, and it's also the room that potential buyers will scrutinize the most. A kitchen remodel can be a significant investment, but it's one that can pay off in the long run. Consider updating your cabinets, countertops, and appliances with modern, efficient options. If your budget is limited, start small by replacing your cabinet hardware, painting your cabinets, or adding a statement backsplash.

Update Your Accessories and Décor

One of the easiest ways to give your home a makeover is by updating your accessories and décor. Consider changing your throw pillows, blankets, and wall art to reflect the season or your changing taste. Add some house plants to bring life and warmth into the space. You can also add a new area rug, change out your lampshades, or add new curtains to update the overall look of your room.

Introduce Some Throw Rugs

Throw rugs can add layers of texture and color to your floors, making your space more cozy and inviting. You can swap out throw rugs seasonally or choose something that will work year-round. Consider choosing bright throw rugs for the summer and muted or darker hues for the fall and winter months.

Upgrade Your Lighting

Lighting can make or break a room's ambiance. If you want to give your home a makeover, consider upgrading your lighting fixtures. Swap outdated fixtures with modern, energy-efficient options that make your space brighter and more inviting. Add dimmer switches to your dining room or living room to create a more intimate setting.

Create Themed Rooms

Giving each room a theme can help add cohesion to your home's overall aesthetic. You can create a beachy vibe in your living room by adding seashell décor and nautical accents. Or add greenery, floral prints, and natural wood accents to create a rustic, farmhouse-style dining room. Choose a color palette and stick to it throughout your home.

Digitize Documents to Declutter

One of the most effective ways to declutter your space is by digitizing your documents. Instead of keeping stacks of papers and receipts, scan them to your computer and store them in the cloud. This will not only help you stay organized, but it will also help free up space in your home so you can fully enjoy your new makeover. For continuity and easy access, save your documents as PDFs. If you need to add pages and combine files, this is the best option.

Splurge on Some New Curtains

Curtains can add depth and dimension to your windows while also providing privacy and insulation. If your current curtains are outdated, change them out for something more modern and sleek. Consider adding textured fabric or playful prints to your windows to add a pop of visual interest.


Reviving your home with a makeover can be an exciting project to tackle. Start by choosing improvements that will enhance your home's value and reflect your personal style. Consider updating your kitchen or adding throw rugs to make it more comfortable and welcoming. Digitize your documents to free up space, and add new curtains to refresh the look of your home. With these tips, you'll be on your way to a brand-new living space that you'll be proud to call home.

Guest Contributor: Bob Shannon