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10 Telltale Signs Your Home Heating System Needs Repair

As autumn turns to winter, you will rely on your heating system to ensure you stay warm and cozy indoors. Your heat pump or furnace is the heart of your home's heating system. Regular upkeep is required for your heating system to stay in peak shape and work effectively.

While modern heating systems have a longer life expectancy and are more reliable, they can break down unexpectedly without routine maintenance. The last thing you want is to get emergency HVAC system repairs in the middle of winter.

To avoid any inconvenience, you must also be aware of the warning signs that your heating system needs repair before a complete breakdown occurs. If you notice any of the following red flags, make sure to call in a professional before your heating system goes out on you completely:

1. High Power Bills

When your utility bills are outrageously high, a malfunctioning heater can be the likely culprit. If you also notice a drastic gas bill spike, it can indicate a heater problem. When your power bills skyrocket drastically, have your heating system checked and assessed by an experienced professional.

2. Burner Flame Turns Yellow

When the burner flame turns yellow instead of blue, something is likely wrong with your heater. Often, yellow flames can indicate the presence of carbon monoxide in the home. In excess, carbon monoxide can become a metabolic poison. If you notice the furnace flame turning yellow, get heater repair services immediately.

3. Strange Noises

Old heating systems are prone to periodic creaking, banging, and rattling. However, if your heating system makes strange noises constantly, you need to schedule an appointment with a heating professional. Often, strange noises are caused by problems with the system's motor bearings. Left unattended, this can lead to other costly heating issues..

4. Constant Thermostat Adjustment

If you need to adjust your thermostat frequently, something might be wrong with your heating system. If you can't get the temperature right after multiple attempts, the problem likely stems from your heating system and not your thermostat. Ensure you address this type of problem asap as it can worsen quickly.

5. Too Many Replacements

If you have been replacing several components too soon, you likely have an undetected heating issue. Unfortunately, replacing parts all too often is not good for your wallet. Have a trusted heating professional check your system and ask if you can benefit from a heating system upgrade.

6. Short Cycles

Short cycling refers to your heater going on and off intermittently. Your thermostat works by regulating your home's temperature. If the heating system goes on and off repeatedly, you likely have a serious heating system problem. Have this checked immediately to ensure you won't endure a winter that's chillier than usual.

7. Poor Indoor Air Quality

When your air at home gets too hazy or stuffy without good reason, something might be wrong with your heating system. Problematic furnaces circulate mildew, spores, dust, and other allergens. If there's a significant spike in respiratory issues within the family, your heater is one of the likely culprits.

If you suspect your air quality indoors is poor, you can check if the furnace filter needs to be changed. If it needs to be changed, this is something you can take on without needing to call a professional.

As a general rule of thumb, checking your filter every month is recommended. When you don't see any problem with the filter, it would be best to leave the matter to the able hands of professionals.

8. Pilot Light Turns Yellow

A heater that's working accordingly will have a blue pilot light flame. A yellow, purple, orange, green, or red pilot light should be a cause for concern. Those colors indicate that your heater has too much rust and tar. These condensates can compromise your heater's efficiency. More importantly, they can pose health risks as well.

9. Heat Too High

You likely have a heater problem if you need to crank up your heat just to stay warm. The need to constantly turn the heat up too high indicates your furnace is not working as efficiently as it should. Arrange for furnace repair immediately before the system becomes inefficient and your utility bills get too high.

10. Cold Spots and Uneven Temperatures

Uneven temperatures and cold spots are definite red flags. This can be attributed to several reasons ranging from ductwork issues to improper insulation. Whatever the cause may be, you need to have it checked by a professional as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

The importance of knowing the warning signs cannot be overstated. When not addressed promptly, some of the problems above may cause your heater to stop working abruptly. Also, don't wait until winter to get your system inspected. Routine inspections are imperative to a fully functioning heating system.