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Settle In: Adapting to Life in Your New Neighborhood

Whether you’ve just moved locally or out of state, settling into a new way of life can sometimes involve a lot of adjustments and admins. To help make this transition as easy as possible, we’ve compiled a few essential resources.


When moving to a new area, there are often a few admin tasks that need to be completed before life can begin comfortably.

●      If you’ve moved to a new state, you’ll need to register your car and transfer your out-of-state driving license

●      It’s a good idea to research the various home-owning expenses that might apply in your region

●      Make sure that you’ve identified and signed up with a local, trusted physician


One of the most important tasks when moving to a new area is to integrate yourself with the local community

●      Take the time to introduce yourself to your neighbors - it might even be a good idea to invite them over for a drink or a bite to eat

●      Some services can help you to meet new people or reconnect with old friends in the area

●      You’re likely to find no shortage of community events or fundraisers that you can get involved in and put out a strong first impression


Migrating a business to a new location can often result in new challenges and obstacles - make sure you plan ahead to handle these.

●      If you’ve moved to a new state, you may need to reapply for a business license or permit

●      When you’ve already established a business in one area, you may need to register as a foreign corporation or even dissolve and reform it in the new locale

●      Whatever your business models, freebies and tasters can help you quickly cultivate local interest

Moving location is often an exciting, invigorating process but, if you don’t carry out the basic administration, you may find yourself at a loose end. Make sure to plan ahead and put in the effort early.

Kevin Szabo Jr. Plumbing is a Tinley Park plumber that always prioritizes strong customer service. We always do whatever we can to serve our customers well. Learn more, at:

Guest Contributor: Sharon Wagner