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Five Ways a Clean Home Can Increase Your Home's Value

There’s more benefits to having a clean home than simply the fresh feeling one gets when inside a freshly cleaned room. People who live in a clean, well-maintained space experience less stress, reduced anxiety, and find themselves to be more productive in general. Put simply, having a clean house is good for your body and mind.   

But there’s another benefit to a clean home that might surprise you—a clean home can actually increase your home value. Regardless of if you’re starting to go about the many steps required to sell your home, or don’t plan on selling until well into the future, maintaining a clean home can bring a real boost to your eventual selling house in five surprising, but effective, ways. 

A Clean Home Leaves a First Impression for Potential Buyers

Whenever you place a house on the market, there are dozens of ways you can make your home seem more appealing, from putting up a fresh layer of paint to basic tasks like decluttering your space

But the easiest, and most effective, way that you can leave a good first impression to any potential buyers seeing your home for the first time is to clean every room thoroughly. In fact, a deep clean of your home can increase its value by up to $2,000

This makes sense—if you walked into someone’s home and saw dirty floors and cluttered spaces, you’d assume that they don’t value their own property. And if they don’t value it, why should you?

The best way to make a full, deep clean easier to pull off is to constantly clean your home. The more often that you clean your home, the less work you’ll need to make it ready to put on the market, which can save you time and energy. 

Cleaning Lowers the Risk of Long-Term Damage

We all know the old adage of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That applies to cleaning your house as well. If you let dirt, grime, and dust accumulate, you could soon find yourself with major damage to your home that could have easily been avoided by consistently keeping your home clean.

While cleaning up dirt and mud in your home’s nooks and crannies can sometimes be frustrating, the mold that develops when you fail to clean up can lead to costly repairs to clear the mold from your home. 

Don’t let a short term problem become long-term damage. Clean your house regularly to keep your home safe and secure.   

The Cleaner Your Home, the Healthier the Homeowner

While you can’t put a price tag on your health, you can definitively link a clean home with a healthier homeowner. Keeping your house clean helps lessen, or completely remove, the amounts of germs and bacteria that might be lingering, which could get you sick. 

And speaking of mold yet again, apart from being a major issue requiring invasive renovation, if your home develops mold, that can lead to a slew of health issues, from shortness of breath and fever to the development of asthma in some children.   

By cleaning your home consistently, you’ll kill off germs, microbes, dust, grime and mold spores, keeping your family safe and healthy, and helping boost the value of your home.

Also, if you want professionals to do the cleaning for you, Best Office Cleaning will let you worry no more for they have all the professionals you need from cleaning, to sanitizing and to disinfecting securing the safe and health of your family.

You Can Identify Maintenance Issues

We said earlier that cleaning your home frequently can stop you from developing long-term, serious damage. While that is one of the most important ways that cleaning your home can help add (or at the very least, stop you from losing) value to your home, keeping a clean space can have an even bigger impact.

Specifically, every time you clean your home, you inadvertently examine areas that you might often overlook in your daily routine. You’re focusing on potentially neglected rooms and spaces, and in doing so you might discover lingering maintenance issues that need to be addressed.

This could include hidden cracks in your ceiling that could lead to leaking, cracks in your drywall that could grow over time, or a whole slew of other items that require maintenance and repair. By cleaning often, you are more likely to discover these issues and address them, as opposed to having to make costly repairs further down the road when the problem is discovered during a home inspection. 

You Can Best Showcase and Maximize Your Available Space Through Cleaning

Finally, cleaning your home allows you to best showcase the dimensions and size of your home. This goes beyond the basic decluttering and deep cleaning that you’ll want to make a good first impression on potential buyers. 

Cleaning affords you a chance to look at your space and see what layout works best. In the process of cleaning, you’ll find yourself moving furniture around and opening up space that might otherwise be taken up. This can lead you to consider how to best “stage” your home in a way that makes the room seem larger (and thus, more valuable). 

A clean room with copious amounts of open space is much more valuable than that same room when dirty and cluttered with items.

At the end of the day, you don’t need to rely on massive restoration projects or overhauls to increase the value of your home. Simply keeping your home clean on a regular basis can show immediate dividends in both the look, feel, and price tag attached to your home.

Guest Contributor: Jeff Good