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When Does Your Water Heater Need To Be Replaced?

Your Water Heater Might Need To Be Replaced

Residential and commercial water heaters were invented in 1889. Since then, we have been blessed with hot water in our homes. Living in Chicago, water heaters are one of the most important things we need on a freezing Winter morning. The average residential water heater is 40 gallons. Which is perfect for a household.

Water heaters, depending on which brand you have, last around 6 years. If you take care of your water heater you can make it last longer. Read the instructions manual that comes with your water heater. A couple important factors for making your water heater last longer are: 

  • Keeping your thermostat set at 120ºF (if you overheat your water heater it will wear down faster)
  • Having copper piping
  • Installing your water heater in a warm area, this way it doesn't have to work harder to maintain it's temperature. 
  • Flushing out your water heater once a year 

Follow these simple instructions and your water heater will last longer. 
Symptoms That Your Water Heater Might Need To Be Replaced

  • Check the age of your tank, it it's beyond your warranty date you might need to have it looked at
  • Feel the water, if it's cold when you turn on your "Hot"
  • Turning your water in the shower and it's freezing 
  • Time how long your hot water lasts in the shower, if it's a lot shorter than you're use to
  • Check the floor around your water heater tank, look for puddles, streams of water, leaks around the base of the tank
  • Inspect the fittings and plumbing connections, look for water, sludge or corrosion
  • Listen to your tank for frequent noises